Monday, December 5, 2011


For Fall 2011 Newsletter click here
THEME - Peacemaking is a healing journey, with special focus on the power of nonviolent action to heal and transform.
The theme of this newsletter reflects MPT’s belief in the healing power of peacemaking and especially nonviolent action. Rarely has there been a time so in need of healing as the present time. At the societal level hatred, contempt, and attachment to divisions are all social illnesses that lead to conflict and bloodshed. At the personal and interpersonal levels, countless people live in state of fear and insecurity; many also suffer from wounded memories. These illnesses also lead to conflicts. This newsletter explores the work of peace healing at the personal, interpersonal and societal levels. It's must read!

Authors in this edition are Annette Thomas, Liz Walters, Paula Marie Deubel, Barbara Nolin, Joseph Comperchio, Sheri Wander, and Ellen Barfield.