THEME -- Staying grounded
Here is a wonderful Michigan Peace Team newsletter. It focuses on the theme of STAYING GROUNDED, and offers a great opportunity to be deeply connected with the writers AND with people around the planet who ...
- Find peace of mind, and open themselves to new consciousness and creativity;
- Practice grounding before moving to the work of nonviolence and peace with justice;
- Strive to stay remarkably centered, focused, hope-filled, AND peacefully persistent in the midst of challenging and uncertain times.
The writers are Amy Gilmore Cairns, Paula Marie Deubel, Peter Dougherty, Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, Barbara Nolin, Nicole Rohrkemper, Kim Redigan, Leona Sullivan, Annette Thomas, Liz Walters, and Sheri Wander. Their writings shed light on the importance of grounding and suggest ways to stay grounded; their messages are hope-filled. We do hope you will be able to find time to enjoy this truly inspiring newsletter.